HVM Racing: organiser of motor races for historic vehicles

Historic Tour Dijon 2023 - Sunday's film



10 : the number of races held on Sunday.

157 : the number of laps covered in the race during the day.

6 : the number of drivers who remained unbeaten on their grid.

0.078 : the smallest gap of the day between a winner and the next one (Lotus Trophy)



Antoine Robert, winner in Formula Renault: "It's always nice to be back in this car with which I was champion in 2017, a car that is starting to have a track record and is very nice to drive. In this race it's even more fun because in the rain, we are as fast or even faster than the F3s with this very, very agile car."

François BELLE, winner in Formula Ford Historic: "The key to success in these conditions is to go at just the right speed and not to do too much and in fact to try to manage those who are behind.

Dominique VULLIEZ, winner of the Lotus Trophy: "I was lucky not to have left too much room for manoeuvre for my colleagues in the last lap, as it's a very tight field where there are only 3-4 of us who can claim victory in each race.


After the first two days of competition of the Historic Tour 2023 and a double race on each of its multiple platforms, a first assessment is necessary. No less than 6 drivers remained unbeaten on the Dijon-Prenois track, thus collecting the 80 points that reward their faultless weekend in the French Historic Circuit Championship. Among them, Frédéric LAJOUX, Antoine ROBERT and Matthieu MIDY leave Burgundy as leaders of the Single-seater/Proto category after having respectively competed in Formula 3 Classic, Formula Renault and Formula Ford Kent. In the Pre 1990 GT/Touring category, Philippe GANDINI took the first place alone. In the GT/Tourism Post 1990 category, Laurent SABATIER and Julien PIAU did a great job, the first in GT Classic and the second in Youngtimers GTI Cup. Finally, at the top of the French Historic Endurance Championship, we find the duo Eric MARTIN & Laurent VALLERY-MASSON.


Lotus Trophy : 1. Nicolas BELOOU, 2. Dominique VULLIEZ, 3. Pascal METAYER

Lotus Trophy race 2 : 1. Dominique VULLIEZ, 2. Xavier JACQUET, 3. Nicolas BELOOU 

Saloon Cars Trophy : 1 Fabrice LEFEBVRE, 2 Grégory YVETOT, 3 Didier SAMSON 

GT Classic Trophy: 1 Laurent SABATIER, 2 Jean-Pierre GAILLARD, 3 Gilles BOYER 

Formula Ford Historic Challenge: 1 François BELLE, 2 Gislain GENECAND, 3 Christian VAGLIO-GIORS 

Maxi 1300 Series : 1 Philippe GANDINI, 2 François POUILLON, 3 Damien BENJAMIN

SportProtosCup : 1. Dominique VULLIEZ, 2. Jean-Michel GUERMONPREZ, 3. Patrick FERRIER

Youngtimers GTI Cup : 1. Julien PIAU, 2. Augustin MOREAU, 3. Jean-François GIMONET

Roadster Pro Cup : 1 Ludovic BELLINATO, 2 Steeve HERGAULT, 3 Laurent FRESNAIS

F3 Classic Trophy: 1 Frédéric LAJOUX, 2 Christian VAGLIO-GIORS, 3 Michel XAVIER

Formula Renault Classic Trophy: 1 Antoine ROBERT, 2 Lionel ROBERT, 3 Jean-Charles MONNET

Racing Over 2L: 1 Damien KOHLER, 2 Clément EXCOFFIER, 3 Olivier DUSAILLY

Maxi 2L Classic : 1. Jean Pierre RICHELMI, 2. Antoine BENNE, 3. Jean Marc BREUGNOT

Formula Ford Kent Trophy: 1 Matthieu MIDY, 2 Arnaud DOUSSE, 3 Gislain GENECAND


Round #2 : Historic Tour d'Albi, 26th, 27th & 28th May.

The Historic Tour info continues on Facebook and Instagram

Media contact: presse@hvmracing.fr

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